1·Blood line infection is a rare disease, less than 10% way.
2·Razors Edge is a blood line started by Dave Wilson in virginia in the 1990's.
3·In such devices a pressure transducer line branches off a blood line to enable the connection of a pressure transducer.
4·Kreacher and Regulus's family were all safer if they kept to the old pure-blood line. Regulus was trying to protect them all.
5·Since the monarch's blood line was considered divine, teachers and caretakers couldn't punish the young prince even if he acted like a brat.
6·Finance is the blood line of economic. Risk is intrinsic to any financial events. The extensive existence of risk is an important characteristic of modern financial markets.
7·Combined with his hiked systolic blood pressure — up by nearly 15 per cent — it could put him in line for stroke.Systolic blood pressure relates to the pumping out of blood by the heart.
8·The more flexible an artery, the better able it is to expand as it fills with blood and contract as it pushes blood farther down the line.
9·By blocking the blocker-to football fans, adding an extra guard to your offensive line-the scientists got nitric oxide to open blood vessels again and increase blood flow, at least in lab animals.
10·Beijing is in the midst of an Olympic blood drive. Advertising posters line inner city bus stops shelters and are plastered on subway station walls.